National Minimum Wage Rates

Just a note to remind you that new rates for the National Minimum Wage (NMW) and National Living Wage (NLW) apply from the 1st April.

From the 1st April 2018, the following hourly rates will apply

  • NLW rate for workers aged 25 and over – £7.83
  • The main rate for workers ages 21-24 – £7.38
  • The 18 – 20 rate – £5.90
  • The 16 – 17 rate for workers above school leaving age but under 18
  • the apprentice rate* – £3.70

*for apprentices under 19, or 19 or over and in the 1st year of their apprenticeship

Remember there are no exemptions from paying the NMW on the grounds of the size of the business.